The Queen of Fashion

I remember when I first met Donna. She was a whir of fashion energy as she twirled her newly purchased wedding dress for us all to admire. I asked about when and where the nuptials would take place. She joyfully proceeded to describe every detail in glorious living color - the place (my brother and sister-in-law's living room), the flowers, the time of day, etc., etc., etc. I asked how the groom was holding up to all of this wedding bliss planning when she announced that she had not found him as of yet....o-k-a-y....... But that was not a deterrent to Donna - in fact that didn't slow her enthusiasm a bit. She knew exactly what was coming into her life - a tall, handsome, loving, and Godly man who would wear his Navy uniform for their wedding.
It was less than a year later that I was in my brother and sister-in-laws living room watching Donna marry Rick - a tall, handsome, loving, highly decorated Naval pastor sporting his white Naval dress uniform.
And even before the wedding took place, Donna told me of the baby girl that she and Rick would someday call their daughter. Fast forward another year and a bit and Donna was giving birth to her beautiful daughter Emma. Emma is now a happy teenager that excels in dance and wears the fashions that her mother lovingly picks out.
I had never seen true faith like that in action until I met Donna. She is utterly amazing to me. Her faith is simply unwavering and her love is truly boundless. She is still the whir of enthusiastic energy that I met years ago. And her faith is still simply unshakable.
I am honored to say that this wonderful woman is now scouring thrift shops all over her neighborhood in search of the best sweaters that she can find to send up to Vermont to be transformed into fish pillows and wombats and more! She has an incredible eye for color and fashion and has sent sweaters that have stretched my creative brain in ways that I never knew were possible!!! She has faith that these sweaters will come alive in this Vermont business - World of Wanda Vermont. Who am I to doubt this powerful woman of faith!
Thank you Donna for being my Fashionista of Sweaters and more importantly, thank you for showing me how to have true faith.
I love you, Donna!
Aunt Wanda
It was less than a year later that I was in my brother and sister-in-laws living room watching Donna marry Rick - a tall, handsome, loving, highly decorated Naval pastor sporting his white Naval dress uniform.
And even before the wedding took place, Donna told me of the baby girl that she and Rick would someday call their daughter. Fast forward another year and a bit and Donna was giving birth to her beautiful daughter Emma. Emma is now a happy teenager that excels in dance and wears the fashions that her mother lovingly picks out.
I had never seen true faith like that in action until I met Donna. She is utterly amazing to me. Her faith is simply unwavering and her love is truly boundless. She is still the whir of enthusiastic energy that I met years ago. And her faith is still simply unshakable.
I am honored to say that this wonderful woman is now scouring thrift shops all over her neighborhood in search of the best sweaters that she can find to send up to Vermont to be transformed into fish pillows and wombats and more! She has an incredible eye for color and fashion and has sent sweaters that have stretched my creative brain in ways that I never knew were possible!!! She has faith that these sweaters will come alive in this Vermont business - World of Wanda Vermont. Who am I to doubt this powerful woman of faith!
Thank you Donna for being my Fashionista of Sweaters and more importantly, thank you for showing me how to have true faith.
I love you, Donna!
Aunt Wanda
Etchings on the Heart

“Chi-baba, Chi-baba, Chihuahua
Enjilava kooka la goomba
Chi-baba, Chi-baba, Chihuahua
My bambino go to sleep....." were the whispered song lyrics that I heard from just a few feet away behind a curtain in the neo natal intensive care unit of the Children’s Hospital. It was the hushed voice of my niece Laura as she sang a lullaby to her new born baby twin daughter, Elizabeth Rose. Elizabeth was wrapped as tightly as a burrito in a tiny, little blanket and lay quietly and calmly in her momma’s arms even though she was entangled in a jumble of wires that monitored her every movement and life sign.
From my side of the curtain I nervously- and clumsily - held her tiny sister Addison Grace and fed her the precious droplets of milk from the doll like bottle I had been handed. Although a twin to Elizabeth, she was already sporting her wildly independent traits as she kicked open the tiny blanket to let her legs dangle in the air and wave her arms with wild abandonment.
What all of those wires could not monitor was the love that was surrounding and enveloping those little girls. Their mother was covering them with more love than I knew even existed. As they have grown into the most precocious of red headed twin girls, they have continued to be lavished with that unconditional love (even when they decided together to take a door off it's hinges in their new home. They knew that that door was not supposed to be there!). When you look into their eyes you see and feel the most loving and trusting of emotions that have ever been. They know that the world was made for them.
They have etched my heart deep with love. I will never again be the same after having been with Elizabeth and Addison. They have changed me. They have brought a joy for life into my heart that had never before existed and will never be able to be taken away. They have shared their unconditional love with me without limits knowing that there is always more love to give. They have reinvigorated a creativity that has long been dormant. This company would never have been able to sprout and grow without their etchings of love on my heart.
Thank you Elizabeth Rose and Addison Grace for sharing your love. And thank you Laura for raising such beautiful girls and teaching them the true meaning of love.
I love you all so very much.
Aunt Wanda
Enjilava kooka la goomba
Chi-baba, Chi-baba, Chihuahua
My bambino go to sleep....." were the whispered song lyrics that I heard from just a few feet away behind a curtain in the neo natal intensive care unit of the Children’s Hospital. It was the hushed voice of my niece Laura as she sang a lullaby to her new born baby twin daughter, Elizabeth Rose. Elizabeth was wrapped as tightly as a burrito in a tiny, little blanket and lay quietly and calmly in her momma’s arms even though she was entangled in a jumble of wires that monitored her every movement and life sign.
From my side of the curtain I nervously- and clumsily - held her tiny sister Addison Grace and fed her the precious droplets of milk from the doll like bottle I had been handed. Although a twin to Elizabeth, she was already sporting her wildly independent traits as she kicked open the tiny blanket to let her legs dangle in the air and wave her arms with wild abandonment.
What all of those wires could not monitor was the love that was surrounding and enveloping those little girls. Their mother was covering them with more love than I knew even existed. As they have grown into the most precocious of red headed twin girls, they have continued to be lavished with that unconditional love (even when they decided together to take a door off it's hinges in their new home. They knew that that door was not supposed to be there!). When you look into their eyes you see and feel the most loving and trusting of emotions that have ever been. They know that the world was made for them.
They have etched my heart deep with love. I will never again be the same after having been with Elizabeth and Addison. They have changed me. They have brought a joy for life into my heart that had never before existed and will never be able to be taken away. They have shared their unconditional love with me without limits knowing that there is always more love to give. They have reinvigorated a creativity that has long been dormant. This company would never have been able to sprout and grow without their etchings of love on my heart.
Thank you Elizabeth Rose and Addison Grace for sharing your love. And thank you Laura for raising such beautiful girls and teaching them the true meaning of love.
I love you all so very much.
Aunt Wanda